2021 Funder Directory

Knowing the right people can not only make things easier, in the case of the 2021 Directory of Owner Financed Note Buyers, it could also make you more money!

Gain access to our personal Rolodex of experienced note professionals that took years to develop. Work direct with knowledgeable investors, educators, and master note brokers.

The 2021 Note Buyers Directory is an up-to-date listing and detailed contact information for today’s top note buyers and service providers.

But, we didn’t stop there…

What if you could have 12 Funders and Key players in a room and ask them questions? Do you think you could get some valuable information to help your Note Business? You bet you could!

Questions like…

“What is the best way to find notes?”

“What advice would you give to new professionals just starting out in the cash flow industry?”

“Where do you see the greatest opportunity right now in the note business?”

We still have a section dedicated to non-performing note investors.

This is in addition to the seller financed note buyers and the exclusive investor interviews – bringing the new directory to over 100 pages.

2021 Directory of Note Buyers

$44.97 USD